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(Compiled by Neha Dimri and Sampad Patnaik in Bangalore)Google Glass is partnering with Luxottica Group, the Italian eyewear giant whose best-known brands include Ray-Ban, Oakley and Oliver Peoples, company officials announced Monday (March 24). cheap fake oakley sunglasses for sale " This is as well as being a member of the UK Sports Vision Association, working with specialist brand Oakley to develop suitable glasses for athletes. The point is that there are tradeoffs to each benefit. The scroll-down site provides a sneak peek into the brand’s philosophy, the business’s milestones, collaborations, signature products, and more. [cheap fake oakley sunglasses for sale] Oscar winning frontman Jared Leto during the Thirty Seconds to Mars show at Challenge Sta Oscar winning frontman Jared Leto during the Thirty Seconds to Mars show at Challenge Stadium.